Fellowship Payment Updates
Rita Cowan
This is to provide updated information to the memorandum issued by Dr. Gene Hemp on July 5, 1996 on this subject.
Some pre-doctoral fellows have all or a portion of their tuition fees paid by a third party. This third party is often the fellowship grantor or their academic department overhead funds. To prevent the students in these cases from having fee charges deducted from their stipend checks, we will house the proposed amounts of these payments in the “Donor” system. To accomplish this the departments will need to submit Payment Authorization forms to the appropriate contracts and grant office no later than August 15, 1996 to avoid fees being deducted from the first stipend checks for Fall semester. IFAS departments should send their Payment Authorization Forms to Dottie Booher, Box 110040/Room 2039 McCarty. Payment Authorization Forms for EIES funds should be sent to Kathy Ellis, Box 116550/Room 545 Weil. All other forms are to be sent to Contracts and Grants, Box 115650/Room 128 Grinter. This information will be entered into the “Donor” file and actual payment transaction will then be done shortly thereafter. Payment Authorization Forms (see attached example) are to include the student’s name, social security number, the account number and the amount of the payment. To determine the amount of the payment, please refer to the July 22, 1996 memorandum (Memorandum Number 97-02) from John P. Kruczek, University Controller.
Payment Authorization Forms for future semesters are to be received by these offices no later than one week before the ending date of the first pay period of the semester to avoid fees being deducted from the first stipend check for the semester.
Although DIRECT DEPOSIT is not currently available for the new fellowship payment process, we anticipate the possibility of having it in place before the end of Fall semester. As soon as it is available, memoranda will be issued with instructions on how to apply for this benefit.
Departments are reminded that actual CASH MUST BE AVAILABLE IN THE EXPENSE CATEGORY for stipends that are to be transferred out of the SAMAS fellowship account each time a fellow is certified for payment. If cash is not available, a stipend check will not be mailed to the student. Finance and Accounting will notify departments whose accounts have insufficient funds. They will have 24 hours to provide the funds before the stipend check is held.
Questions on this subject should be directed to Rita Cowan or Kay Shipp, Academic Personnel Office, at 392-1251.
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