Revised agenda – University Senate Meeting

Published: February 6th, 1997

Category: Memos

David Bloomquist, Chair

Revised agenda for the University Senate Meeting, Thursday, February 6th, 3:00pm, 282 Reitz Union.

Representative BOB CASEY has been added to the agenda as a GUEST SPEAKER.

The agenda follows:

3:00 - 3:01     
             Approval of Minutes of January 9, 1997 
             University Senate Meeting

3:01 - 5:00  
             Administrators' Reports -- President Lombardi, 
             Provost Capaldi

             GUEST SPEAKER -- Representative BOB CASEY

        Action Item:

        1. Honorary Degree Candidate
                 General H. Norman Schwarzkopf

        Information Items:

        1.  Senate Committee Nominations -- Gerardo Gonzalez
        2.  Tenure and Promotion -- Provost Capaldi


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