Research Integrity Workshop on April 15

Published: March 3rd, 1997

Category: Memos

Karen Holbrook, Ph.D. Vice President for Research Dean of the Graduate School Office of Research, Technology & Graduate Education

Dear Colleague:

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Research Integrity and the University of Florida invite you to a one-day workshop on April 15 to discuss research integrity issues. This workshop will be most relevent to institutions managing biomedical research, although these issues carry over to a broader research agenda.

Each session is designed to allow ample time for questions, discussion, and interaction among workshop participants. The workshop is designed primarily for individuals involved in research management, particularly those who play a role in the various aspects of research integrity. This can include central administration, the General Counsel’s office, the research offices of colleges which conduct research in the biomedical and life sciences, and faculty who direct Public Health Service-supported training programs.

Materials will be provided in advance of the workshop to give you an opportunity to think about the issues to be presented and discussed. We also would like to assemble notebooks of material from participating institutions that can be shared with others, such as research integrity policies or educational programs that have been developed to educate faculty and students about these issues.

More information and a schedule with registration form is available on the ORTGE web page at or by calling (352) 392-1582. Please feel free to copy this material and send it to any individuals who you think might benefit from attending this meeting. A $30 registration fee will cover some of the costs associated with the meeting. The workshop will be held at the Radisson Hotel Gainesville. Space is limited, so please register as soon as possible.

We hope you will be able to join us April 15 to take advantage of this unique opportunity to meet with ORI administrators and learn more about effectively managing this important aspect of our research programs.

Sincerely yours,

Karen A. Holbrook, Ph.D.
Vice President for Research
Dean of the Graduate School
Office of Research, Technology
& Graduate Education
University of Florida

Stephen M. Roberts, Ph.D.
Associate Professor/Program Director
Center for Environmental & Human Toxicology
University of Florida

Chris B. Pascal, J.D.
Acting Director
Office of Research Integrity
Office of Public Health & Science U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

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