Upcoming Events

Published: March 19th, 1998

Category: Memos

Karen A. Holbrook, Vice President/Dean

There are two upcoming events to which I would like to draw your attention. Both will be held the afternoon of Monday, March 30, in the Reitz Union Auditorium.

  • From 1:30-3:00 pm we will hold the annual meeting of the Graduate Faculty. The agenda this year is limited to one crucial topic: “Growing Graduate Education at the University of Florida.” As you know, UF’s enrollment plan calls for an increase of 500 FTE (about 700 students) over the next 2-3 years. How can that growth be achieved? We have invited Dr. Jules LaPidus, President of the Council of Graduate Schools, to share his views with the faculty at the meeting. He is an excellent speaker and has a well-grounded perspective on the national trends in graduate education. Please plan to attend and encourage your graduate coordinators and other influential Graduate Faculty members to attend.
  • From 3:30-5:00 pm Dr. LaPidus will address an open forum of graduate faculty and graduate students on the topic, “Is There Really a Career Crisis’ for Students Completing Graduate Degrees?” Please encourage your graduate students and their graduate faculty mentors to attend this stimulating event. Refreshments will be served immediately following the session in the Reitz Union second floor lobby.

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