Extension of Executive Order 98-57 for Faculty, USPS, and A&P Employees
Robert Willits, Interim Director University Personnel Services Catherine Longstreth, Associate Vice President Academic Affairs
An extension of a recent Executive Order may provide leave benefits to employees in your unit who were impacted by recent flooding. Executive Order 98-57 has been extended to include authorization to grant administrative leave based on the following criteria:
- if an employee was unable to attend scheduled work as a direct result of damage or destruction to his or her place of residence or because of flooding of roads that the employee must travel to get to work; and
- if such absences occur(red) on or between February 4, 1998, and May 6, 1998.
Requests for administrative or paid leave that meet the above criteria are to be granted on a case-by-case basis, up to a maximum of 40 hours. When considering requests for leave, remember the intent is to provide leave for employees who were unable to attend work due to flooding in their residence or flooding of roads they must travel to get to work. In deciding whether related activities are covered, such as meetings regarding insurance or completing FEMA paperwork, consider the amount of time required to accomplish such activities and whether it must be done during work hours. Only those activities directly related to flooding that prevent employees from attending work are covered.
If there are impacted employees in your unit take the following steps:
- Faculty, USPS and A&P employees in your department who were unable to attend work during the time period and for the reasons detailed above should submit to you written requests for administrative or paid (Faculty) leave explaining their particular situations.
- After you have verified that an employee’s request meets the criteria outlined in the Executive Order a memorandum from the Dean, Director, or Chairperson supporting approval of leave should be sent to the appropriate personnel office. Include the following information:
- Employee’s name
- Employee’s Social Security number
- The employee’s college code and LKL
- Dates and the number of hours the employee was absent from work
- Attach the employee’s request explaining his or her situation in detail
- Mail the completed memorandum and attachment to Sandra Lovegrove at P.O. Box 115001 for USPS and A&P employees. Faculty approvals should be sent to Rita Cowan at P.O. Box 113005.
Once the documentation is received by the personnel office(s) for processing, the Dean, Director, or Department Chairperson and the department leavekeeper will be notified of any administrative or paid leave approved as a result of this Executive Order. It may be necessary for leavekeepers to back out earlier leave entries and re-enter leave as administrative leave. Since Faculty are not eligible for administrative leave the department should keep a record of the approvals with the Faculty member’s leave record. Please direct questions about this process to Sandra Lovegrove (392-5732) for USPS and A&P employees or Rita Cowan (392-1251) for Faculty.
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