Jack Battenfield, Associate Vice President
The University of Florida Communications Network has established a new listserv called ENews that provides information on UF events and news. The information is sent each workday by 8 a.m. Today’s message is a sample. If you’d like to receive this daily message, you may subscribe by sending an e-mail to listserv@lists.ufl.edu. The e-mail message should be as follows: SUBSCRIBE ENews-L firstname lastname
ENews is a daily summary of events and news on the University of Florida Campus provided by the University of Florida Communications Network. Additional information is at the bottom of this message.
July 7, Tuesday
Andy Lopez Gator Baseball Camp, Session I, Resident, July 5-9, ages 9-18. Call 375-4683 ext. 6130.
Preview ’98 freshman orientation Session II-G. Call Office of Student Services for more information, 392-1261.
8:00 AM -- Center for Women's Studies & Gender Research Exhibition, "Vignettes," by Penelope Miller, 115 Anderson Hall, 8 am-5pm, May 11-August 14. Call 392-3365.
11:00 AM — Harn Museum exhibit, free and open to the public, Harn Museum of Art, gallery hours: 11am – 5 pm. For complete exhibit information, see: http://www.arts.ufl.edu/harn/current.html
3:30 PM — Food Science & Technology Seminar: “Flavor & Texture of High Oleic Acid Cheese & the Effects on Human Cholesterol Levels,” G086 McCarty Hall — Food Science & Technology Seminar: “Seasonal Occurrence of Virulent Vibrio Vulnificus Strains in Apalachicola Bay Oysters & the Effects of New Post-Harvest Refrigeration Criteria,” G086 McCarty Hall
From the UF News Desk:
July 6 — UF Researcher Develops Guidelines For Soccer Field Performance
GAINESVILLE—University of Florida researcher Grady Miller may be a popular man in soccer circles by the time the World Cup rolls around again in four years.
Miller, a turfgrass specialist, is beginning to answer a question soccer players have asked for years: Is there a way to get soccer fields, city to city and country to country, to perform in a similar manner?
For the complete story, see: http://www.napa.ufl.edu/ufnews/soccer.htm
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