University of Florida Travel Fair
John P. Kruczek, University Controller
You and your staff are cordially invited to attend the University of Florida Travel Fair. The purpose of this event is to acquaint University of Florida employees with the Preferred Travel Agencies for the University. At this time we have twelve Preferred Travel Agencies. Each has committed, through contract, to provide professional customer service, as well as assist the University in minimizing travel costs by guaranteeing the lowest available airfare on domestic and international flights.
October 5, 1998
9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
J. Wayne Reitz Union, Grand Ballroom
Each of the Preferred Travel Agencies will have representatives at the Travel Fair. You are invited to come any time during the event to meet with any of the Preferred Agencies. In addition, represenativies from the University Travel Offices will be there to answer any questions you have about how the travel contract works. This is a great opportunity to meet these agents and learn about the many services they have to offer you.
Please call Tonji Herbert at 392-2386 if you have any questions or need additional information about this event. We look forward to seeing you there!
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