Tuition Payment Processing Dates for Summer 1999
Nancy Paris
Important dates regarding Summer term tuition payment processing are as follows:
Summer A and C Terms
- May 7-10, warning e-mail messages will be sent to designated contact persons to assist in making corrections prior to the initial batch.
- May 11, initial batch of tuition payments will be processed.
- May 12-20, tuition payments will continue to be processed nightly.
- May 25-June 17, tuition payments processed twice weekly.
- June 16, the LOA file will close for Summer A and C updates.
Summer B Term
- June 25-28, warning e-mail messages will be sent to contact persons.
- June 29, initial batch will be processed.
- June 30-July 8, tuition payments will continue to be processed nightly.
- July 13-August 9, tuition payments processed twice weekly.
- August 4, the LOA file will close for Summer B updates.
Please note that the graduate school will be issuing reports detailing tuition payment costs to each authority code contact person via e-mail. The final report for spring term will be sent May 18. Preliminary Summer A and C reports will be sent on June 8; Summer B reports will be sent July 27. The final report on tuition payments for summer A, B, and C will be issued August 17.
Please e-mail me at if you have questions. Thanks.
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