Up-dating Calendar of Events
Jack Battenfield, Associate Vice President
Please send me or have someone on your staff send me a list of your planned events for the coming academic year so we may include them in the calendar of university events and critical dates prepared by the Office of University Relations. The calendar is maintained on the web and can be found by clicking on EVENTS at the top of the university’s homepage (www.ufl.edu).
Because it is on the web, the calendar can be updated at anytime. The calendar of events is helpful in alerting individuals planned events, and it can also be used to help avoid conflicting events.
The academic calendar dates are the most used part of the calendar. It includes dates for registration, drop/add, graduations, etc. as well as religious holidays recognized by the Anti-Defamation League.
The calendar of events information is available 24 hours a day on the web. A summary of the events for each day is sent daily to individuals who sign up for ENews to have campus news and events information sent to them by email. If you would like to subscribe, send an email to: listserv@lists.ufl.edu with the following message: SUBSCRIBE ENews-L yourfirstname yourlastname.
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