1999 BellSouth Gainesville Telephone Directory

Published: July 5th, 1999

Category: Memos

David S. O’Brien, Director

Please review the University of Florida department listings in the Gainesville directory. Listings begin on page 99 of the Gainesville Business white pages.

Determine how you wish your departmental name and telephone numbers to appear, fill out the information below and return to the Telecommunications Department, PPD 429, P.O. BOX 117725 or fax to 392-8006, NO LATER THAN AUGUST 2nd to ensure an accurate listing for your department. Send only departmental listings. DO NOT send personnel listings.

If you have any questions concerning your listings, call Telecommunications at 392-1139.


COLLEGE & DEPT. and/or DIVISION & DEPT. NAME_________________________

Please mark the appropriate box below which best applies to your department.

oDo not change listing(s).           Are you listed in more than one 
                                            place?    Yes  or  No 
oChange the following listing(s):    If so list, __________________
             From          To               Page # ______ Column_______

o  Add the following listing(s):

oDelete the following listing(s):

If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet.

Above listing authorized by (PLEASE PRINT):_________________________________


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