Greening the Department
Leslie Paul Thiele, Chair
On October 28-29, Greening UF ( will be hosting a “Greening UF Conference.” There will be a special workshop for chairs and office managers on October 28 from 10:15-11:45. This workshop will be dedicated to “Greening the Department.” It will address general issues of office waste management, recycling, and procurement (“buying green”) as well as pilot efforts in these areas conducted by the Department of Political Science and the School of Building Construction.
Greening UF is a group of faculty, staff and students dedicated to increasing environmental literacy on campus and reducing the university’s ecological footprint. The conference will highlight UF’s considerable environmental impact and outline the means of exercising environmental responsibility on campus. All faculty, staff, and students are invited to attend.
Guest speakers at the conference will include: Dr. Howard T. Odum (UF), Dr. Christopher Uhl (Penn State), Dr. Peggy Green (Broward Community College), Winifred Perkins (Florida Power & Light), Dave Gustashaw ( Interface, Inc.), Julian Keniry (Campus Ecology), and Cynthia Staples (Second Nature).
Greening UF is asking departments to co-sponsor the conference. A donation of $200 would be much appreciated. Checks should be made out to the University of Florida Foundation, earmarked for Greening UF (Mail to: FAC 101, PO Box 115703, attn. Kim Stanley). If you prefer, funds can be transferred to the UF Foundation Account # 5973. For further information, contact Lauren Day, tel: 392-6755; e-mail:
The current list of co-sponsors include:
Administrative Affairs College of Architecture College of Natural Resources & Environment Dept. of Environmental Engineering Sciences Dept. of Food & Resources Economics Dept. of Political Science School of Building Construction Center for Construction & Environment Environmental Action Group Environmental Affairs Cabinet Florida Power & Light
If you have special concerns or questions that you would like to have addressed at the “Greening the Department” workshop, please forward them to
Thank you.
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