People Awareness Week

Published: August 31st, 1999

Category: Memos

Helen Mamarchev, Associate Vice President John Dalton, Chair, People Awareness Week Advisory Committee

This year the University of Florida will celebrate its tenth annual campus-wide People Awareness Week, October 24 through October 31, 1999. People Awareness Week is designed as a weeklong celebration of the rich diversity at the University of Florida.

We hope that your college/department will consider being part of People Awareness Week in 1999. We encourage people’s participation in this celebration of diversity through a blend of cultural events, discussions and opportunities for dialogue regarding our diversity as a community. We are asking different parts of the community to become involved in sponsoring programs, creating professional development opportunities, or attending a campus-wide activity that will take place during the week.

We would also like to inform you of the availability of some mini-grants to support programs and events for People Awareness Week a copy of the application which is also available on our web site. The mini-grant application deadline is September 24, 1999. Applications should be sent to P202 Peabody Hall.

We hope your college/department will consider sponsoring an activity. We will help you publicize the event to the rest of the campus if you send me information on the program. We have also included an Event Information Form on our web site if you want us to promote your event in our list of People Awareness Week activities. If you would like more information People Awareness Week please visit our homepage at

Please share this information with other members of your faculty and staff. Thanks for helping to celebrate our diversity.

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