University Senate Recognizes Dr. John V. Lombardi

Published: October 21st, 1999

Category: Memos

Gail F. Baker, Vice President

The University of Florida Senate passed a resolution today in recognition of the contributions of President John Lombardi. Below is the full text of the resolution, presented by Senate Steering Committee Chair Dr. James Pettigrew, to the Senate at its October meeting held in the Reitz Union.

Resolution of Faculty Recognition for Dr. John V. Lombardi

Whereas the University of Florida has achieved unprecedented national and international recognition and rankings through progress made in research, technology development and teaching over the past ten years; and

Whereas the university’s funding for research has increased significantly over this period; and

Whereas the community has been mobilized to partner with the university on a number of far-reaching initiatives; and

Whereas we value and recognize his outstanding contributions and efforts in leading the University of Florida; Therefore be it

Resolved, That the faculty recognizes Dr. John V. Lombardi for his extraordinary and indomitable spirit, his model of innovative leadership in higher education, his dedication to the university’s threefold mission: teaching, research and service and his exceptional achievements in furthering the mission of the University of Florida while moving it forward to meet the challenges of the new millennium.

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