UF Mail Services

Published: November 15th, 1999

Category: Memos

Gerald Schaffer, Vice President

This memorandum will explain the UF Mail Services organization and provide information on pick up and delivery, and the University’s ability to provide service at expected levels. It is important that the campus community have an understanding of reasonable service levels that may be accomplished by UF Mail Services so that mail-processing needs may be planned accordingly.

The number of pick up and delivery sites, the volume of U.S. mail, as well as intra-campus mail has increased approximately 100% over the last ten years. UF Mail Services utilizes a computerized mail management system and processes mail on Saturdays in an effort to stay current with this significant mail volume. Further automation of the mail processes is currently under consideration and may provide for new enhancements, lower costs and expanded service in the near future.

Approximately 18 months ago, the Health Science Center Mail operation was consolidated with Campus Mail Services. This resulted in the formation of UF Mail Services under the direction of Administrative Affairs. UF Mail Services now processes approximately 85% of incoming and outgoing mail for the University. The consolidation of these units has increased operational efficiencies, and improved communications and coordination between these key mail centers. With a staff of 21 full time employees, UF Mail Services makes a daily pick up and delivery of mail to 90 buildings on campus, and processes 100,000 pieces of incoming mail and 26,000 pieces of outgoing mail each workday. UF Mail Services makes a daily pick up from the United States Postal Service by 7 a.m. each workday. This incoming mail is sorted and included in the daily campus deliveries.

Although the Health Science Center and Campus Mail units were consolidated under the direction of Administrative Affairs, they remain separate physical operations. Additionally, other areas on campus operate their own mail service centers, such as IFAS and the College of Engineering. In addition, some departments and buildings manage the sorting and delivery of mail within their physical location. The process for intra-campus mail to be moved between the various mail service centers, sorted for delivery and placed in the actual mailboxes of the recipients may take several days. We will continue to work to improve efficiencies and decrease delivery times for intra-campus mail, but it is important that expectations of delivery schedules conform to what is possible within current resource and system constraints.

Attached for your assistance are a number of recommendations for offices to follow to ensure the most responsive and timely mail service possible. UF Mail Services offers on-site training and assistance to departments who have questions regarding the processing of their mailing needs. Please feel free to call Fred Batie, UF Senior Postal Manager, at 392-0629 to arrange for training or to ask any questions you may have about the process.


Recommendations for Improved Mail Processing at UF Mail Services Attachment

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