Clarification on Graduate Alumni & Minority Fellowships

Published: December 6th, 1999

Category: Memos

David R. Colburn, Interim Provost

In response to questions raised about the tuition waiver that is included with the Graduate Alumni and Minority Fellowships, I want to reiterate the University’s policy:

This program will pay for full tuition costs, including matriculation, non-resident and assorted registration fees (Building, Capital Improvement Trust Fund, Student Financial Aid, Activity and Service, Athletic, and Non-resident Student Financial Aid) for full-time registration only. For the fiscal year 1999/2000, monies to fund each of the College’s fellowships (or assistantships) and matriculation fees were included in your base allocation, based on information provided to this office regarding the number of fellowships or assistantships in your unit. The Office of Academic Affairs paid the extra fees for these students directly through the on-line Letter of Appointment file.

As established by the Graduate Catalog, full-time registration will vary depending upon employment status, i.e., full-time semester registration for fellowships is 12 hours, while full- time registration for assistantships (research or teaching, 0.25 – 0.74 FTE) is nine hours. [Summer registration requirements for fellowships are eight hours and six hours for assistantships.] As you know, these guidelines were established to take into account that students who are working should take fewer hours than those on fellowships.

Those students who wish to register for more hours than are covered by the fee waiver system are liable for those fees, unless Colleges and/or Departments want to assume that financial liability. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Kimberly Browne at (352)392-2120 or at

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