Office Greening Contest

Published: April 19th, 2000

Category: Memos

Charles J. Kibert, Interim Director & CSR/Rinker Professor

Please forward this announcement to your office managers. Greening UF would like to announce the opening of their new Office Greening Resource Page and the 2000 Office Greening Award Contest. The web site and contest are a follow up to the office greening workshop at the 1999 Greening UF Conference. The new web page is meant to provide information to help you make your office greener. For information on contest guidelines and how to enter, please visit the Greening UF homepage at and look for the links to the new office greening site.

Thanks! For more information, contact:
Nicole C. Kibert – Greening UF Coordinator
FAC 101, PO BOX 115703
Gainesville, Fl 32611-5703
voice: 352 392 6755
fax: 352 392 9606

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