Notice of Withdrawal of Certain Proposed Amendments to Rule 6C1-7.019
Pamela J. Bernard, General Counsel
Below is a copy of the Notice of Withdrawal of Certain Proposed Amendments to the above-mentioned rule which were proposed for adoption by the University. You may contact the Clerk of the University at 392-1358 for a copy of the rule. Please distribute and post this notice upon receipt.
AGENCY: University of Florida
RULE NO.: 6C1-7.019
RULE TITLE: Academic Affairs; Tenure and Promotion: Definition, Eligibility, Granting of Tenure, Criteria, Procedures and Methods of Processing, Confidential Nature of Materials and Discussions, Reports and Appeals, Permanent Status and Sustained Performance Evaluations
Notice is hereby given that certain proposed rule amendments to the above-referenced rule as published in The Gainesville Sun on April 18, 2000, have been withdrawn, as set forth below.
Section (5)(b)3., third sentence: “The five faculty members are elected by the University Senate.” has been reinserted, and “University” has been changed to “Faculty”.
Section (5)(b)3., second to last sentence, “The five faculty members are appointed annually by the Provost from nominations submitted by the deans and directors of the appropriate colleges and academic units.” has been deleted.
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