GatorLink Dial-up Time Increased

Published: September 14th, 2000

Category: Memos

David Colburn, Interim Provost

I am pleased to announce, effective immediately, that the time allocations for GatorLink dial-up usage have been increased. The previous and current allocations are as follows:

Previous Allocation New Allocation*
For Undergrads and USPS/OPS staff 15 hours/month 60 hours/month
For Grad Students and Post-Docs 60 hours/month 90 hours/month
For Faculty/A&P 105 hours/month 120 hours/month

*The cost for minutes used above these allocations will continue to be $.008/minute


Allocation increases outlined above are in response to requests by student leaders, growing needs from the instructional program, and strong faculty and staff interest. More cost effective hardware and some economies of scale that have come as a result of increased usage combined to help make these large improvements in dial-up time possible. Costs associated with GatorLink dial-up usage (within the above allocations) are funded by the Provost’s office.

If you have any questions about using GatorLink or these allocations, contact the UF Computing Help Desk at (352) 392- HELP, or visit the GatorLink Web Site at

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