Network Drawings
Sue Legg, Director
The Video Advisory Committee is developing an implementation plan based on the recommendations set forth in the Campus Video Infrastructure Report, dated July 10, 2000. The primary goal of the implementation plan is to provide seamless video accessibility between all UF units. This includes video sent over the data network, as well as that sent over ISDN or T1 lines provided by the telephone companies.
It was determined that a comprehensive plan for implementation would have to be built upon a thorough understanding of the existing network infrastructure, and that the quickest and easiest way to do this was to combine the logical diagrams from the various units into one diagram for the entire UF community. Most systems managers already have these diagrams in various forms as part of their own documentation and some make them freely available on the Web.
We request that the diagrams for college and departmental networks be sent to Art Zirger, Chair of the Video Advisory Committee at E111 CSE building or you may contact Art at
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