Nominations for the 2000-2001 Teacher/Scholar of the Year
Sheila K. Dickison, Associate Provost
The Faculty Academic Advisory Committee invites you and your colleagues to submit nominations for the Teacher/Scholar of the Year Award for 2000-2001. All current faculty members of the University are eligible for consideration for this significant award. A list of previous recipients of the award is included below.
In selecting the awardee, the Committee will be designating a faculty member who demonstrates excellence in both teaching and scholarly activity (manifested by scholarly research, creative writing, original works of art, etc.). The concept of excellence in both of these areas should be evident in the awardee’s career accomplishments.
Nominations may be submitted by colleagues who can attest to the nominee’s qualifications. Nomination dossiers should include a nomination letter and a curriculum vitae. As part of the C.V., one page summaries of both the teaching and scholarly activities of the nominee are requested, as described below.
For the teaching area, include an overview of the nominee’s courses taught for the past five years (indicate undergraduate or graduate, typical enrollments and offering frequency), innovative techniques used, and a summary of student course evaluations (one page). The summary of the nominee’s scholarly work should include the nature of the research or creative work, importance of the work to the scholar’s field, funding sources, awards received, graduate students/fellows trained, etc. (one page). The nomination dossiers will be reviewed by a sub-committee of the Faculty Academic Advisory Committee and an awardee will be selected. The Committee may request additional documentation as it deems necessary to evaluate more fully the nominations.
Nomination dossiers (an original plus 3 copies) should be delivered to Dr. Sheila Dickison, 140 Tigert Hall, no later than March 23, 2001. The awardee will be notified at the end of the Spring Semester.
We encourage you to confer with colleagues and to identify and nominate deserving faculty members. This is one of the University of Florida’s most prestigious faculty awards, offering an honorarium of $2,000 in addition to other appropriate recognition.
If you have questions, please call me at 392-1519.
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