Use of Purchasing Card

Published: June 4th, 2001

Category: Memos

John P. Kruczek, University Controller
Finance and Accounting, and
Michael Williams, Associate Director
University Purchasing

The use of the Purchasing Card (Pcard) has been expanded and has been approved for official business travel effective immediately. Currently issued Pcards are not active for travel purchases. Future Pcards will be issued under one of three purchasing profiles:

  1. Commodity Only Pcards………….($1000 limit per transaction)
  2. Travel Only Pcards……………….($2000 limit per transaction)
  3. Travel and Commodity Pcards…..($2000 Travel / $1000 Commodities limit per transaction)

If you wish to use a currently issued pcard for travel, you are required to use the University of Florida’s electronic travel reimbursement system, TRRIPS, for establishing your Travel Authorization Request (TAR) and for filing your travel reimbursement voucher. The TAR must be established on TRRIPS before you make travel purchases

You may now take steps to request a new pcard for travel purchases or have your current pcard activated for travel purchases. You will need to do the following:

  1. Complete online Pcard certification training in one of three ways. You will need a Gator Link account to complete your training.
    1. Go to Just click on “Purchasing Cards” in the left column and scroll down until you see the online training link.
    2. Go to the University Disbursements web site at:
    3. For NERDC administrative users, you may go to your Administrative Applications menu.
  2. Complete a new Cardholder Profile Information Form requesting travel activation. Available at:
  3. Sign the cardholder agreement form if you do not already have one on file in purchasing.
  4. Set up a department processing group (reconcilers and approvers) if you do not already have them in place.
  5. Obtain your Dean, Director, or Department Chair’s signature on all forms.
  6. Send the forms to Purchasing in Elmore Hall at POB 115250 via campus mail.

Please contact Monica Thames-Lamar at 392-1245 if you have Travel questions, Michael Williams at 392-1331 if you have Purchasing questions or Dottie Haskew at 392-1241 if you have Disbursements (Payables) questions.

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