Energy Conservation Initiatives
Charles E. Young, President
As we review options to comply with recent University budget cuts, energy conservation is a must. Campus utility costs for last year were $26,474,000. That’s over $72,000 per day. Through aggressive campus-wide energy conservation initiatives we can reduce consumption and save money. The initiatives identified below are actions that Physical Plant Division will take and actions that I ask all faculty, staff and students to support.
Physical Plant will accomplish the following policy changes immediately:
- Set building thermostats to 70 degrees for heating and 76 degrees for cooling.
- Raise chiller plant output water temperature by 2 degrees.
- Adhere to established building heating/cooling schedules and provide heating/cooling only when building is occupied or conditions warrant an exception.
- Establish new heating and cooling schedules for buildings that now operate on a 24-hour/7-day schedule.
- Provide energy conservation awareness on campus through the use of newspaper articles, bulletin boards and DDD’s.
- Work with University Police Department on identifying buildings where lights remain on after hours and correct lighting schedule.
- Provide monthly energy consumption reports to building contacts and identify areas for further conservation.FACULTY, STAFF AND STUDENT ACTIONS
I solicit the support of all employees and students to immediately implement the following: - Turn off lights in offices or areas when not in use or at the end of the day.
- Select power management mode on computers and switch computers off when not in use.
- Eliminate the use of space heaters.
- Refrain from opening windows.
- Eliminate the use of incandescent lighting for room ambiance.
- Dress appropriately for the season.
- Refrain from tampering with building thermostats.
- Switch off equipment that is not in use.Working together, the university community can implement these initiatives and achieve our objective of saving energy and reducing energy costs.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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