Overseas Summer Programs
David R. Colburn, Provost
Reductions in UF’s budget have required us to make some significant changes in the way the University conducts its operations. Our Summer Study Abroad Programs will be affected by these changes, and I have outlined below the changes that will be necessary if we are to continue to offer Summer Study Abroad Programs in 2002. Please understand, however, that these changes will be the basis for funding these programs from this point forward.
Commencing this summer, Summer Study Abroad Programs will not be funded with state dollars – this includes funding for faculty and graduate teaching assistants, travel, per diem, program costs, etc. All these programs must be budgeted through the International Center in cooperation with the Office of Distance and Continuing Education. Program coordinators for these overseas programs should meet with representatives of the UF International Office in the very near future to establish appropriate student fees for these programs in 2002. These fees will be expected to fund, within some limits, the costs of faculty, graduate teaching assistants, travel and per diem, program costs, and other expenses directly related to the program. Each program will have a budget, established by the International Center, within which it must operate.
Several overseas programs currently have carryforward dollars in them. These carryforward funds must be spent within the next seven months by the program directors, in consultation with the International Office, for items appropriate to the overseas program. Program directors may use some of these funds in 2002 to ease the transition to the new budgeting process. Thus the funds can be used to supplement the per diem, but not the salary, for faculty and teaching assistants in the coming summer within limits and on the basis of per diem established for that city or country. Scholarships funded by such carryforward funds will be limited to 15 percent of the number of students on any single program and to a maximum amount of $500 per student.
Beginning August 15, 2002, those carryforward funds that remain will revert to the International Center and to the Colleges for their use in enhancing our international programs. No overseas program will have carryforward funds in the future.
Thank you for circulating this information to the faculty and particularly to those faculty who serve as program directors for our overseas programs.
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