Gator Days and Gator Nights
Sheila Dickison, Associate Provost
Planning for Gator Days & Gator Nights is now underway! The response from student organizations, university and department offices was overwhelming last year and resulted in over 160 events being listed on the Gator Days & Gator Nights calendar. We depend on the campus community to provide programs and activities to welcome new and returning students and look forward to continuing our university-wide collaboration on this project, sponsored by the Office of Student Services.
This year, Gator Days & Gator Nights begins on August 18th and ends October 1st. We will advertise events specifically held during the first week of fall classes, August 25th through 31st, in a special Gator Days & Gator Nights publication, and the rest of the events will be publicized on the on-line calendar.
If your office or program area wishes to have your information included in this calendar, please e-mail date, time, location, name of sponsoring organization, and contact information to: . Program information must be received by August 20th in order to be included in the on-line calendar.
To give you an idea of the kinds of events taking place across campus, please take a look at the Event Category List at or contact Student Services at We will be happy to assist you in any way we can. This also will help in reducing the number of similar events offered throughout Gator Days & Gator Nights.
For more information, please contact Melissa Johnson at 392- 1261 or via e-mail,
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