Spring Semester Textbook Adoptions
Steve Pritz, Interim University Registrar
Since the advent of ISIS and the provision of services to students through web-based technologies, the university has been able to provide more detailed course information to students than at any previous time. The identification of course textbooks is a key component of the educational delivery process. We appreciate the work of deans, department chairs, faculty and staff in providing that vital information each term.
For spring 2003 semester, colleges and departments may begin entering their course packs, textbooks and materials requirement on Friday, Oct. 11, 2002, at www.textadoption.ufl.edu. The last day to submit textbook information will be Oct. 25, 2002. Registration begins Oct. 28, 2002.
Providing your college’s textbook requirements to this web site helps in our efforts to disseminate this important information to students during the registration period. UF students have overwhelmingly endorsed the availability of textbook information online and have indicated it aids in course selection. Additional benefits include: 1) students are allowed to balance class loads during registration based on course reading requirements; 2) students can assess the cost of the semester with more accuracy to plan for their financial needs when textbook information is available before registration; 3) students may receive more revenue for their used books when vendors know, in advance, that the book will be used another term; 4) students may order books prior to class starting dates when it may be more convenient for their acquisition; 5) online availability of information fosters greater competition between local and Internet retailers to keep prices competitive for student consumers.
It is imperative that your college’s course textbook, pack and other materials be submitted by Oct. 25 at www.textadoption.ufl.edu. Courses requiring “no text” also should be annotated at this address. If your college does not plan to provide textbook information, please have the scheduling coordinator for your department indicate this at the URL provided above. If you have any questions about the textbook adoption process, you can contact the textbook adoption manager at 392-0306 or send e-mail to TextAdoptionWebHelp@ufmail.ufl.edu.
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