President’s Recognition of Outstanding Students

Published: February 14th, 2003

Category: Memos

Eugene L. Zdziarski, Dean of Students

Nominations are now being accepted for the President’s Recognition of Outstanding Students. Undergraduate, graduate and professional students selected for this honor will be acknowledged at the annual President’s Recognition Reception. Please encourage your faculty and staff to nominate deserving students for this award.

The nomination form may be downloaded from the Dean of Students website at or picked up from the following locations:

Information Desk, 202 Peabody Hall
Student Activities Desk, 300 J. Wayne Reitz Union

The deadline for Nominations is March 7, 2003. Return nominations to:

Dr. Eugene L. Zdziarski
Dean of Students Office
202 Peabody Hall
FAX: 392-5566

Questions may be directed to Sylvia Parker at or 392-1261, Ext. 212.

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