Campus Visioning Workshops Planned

Published: March 12th, 2003

Category: Memos

Ed Poppell, Vice President

The University of Florida has launched a planning process that will invite the broad campus community to develop a shared vision for the physical aspects of the campus environment. The University Vision 2040 (UV40) planning program will develop a unified, comprehensive vision for the future of the University of Florida campus. This vision will consider land use, transportation, environment, human interaction, and academic programming to recommend an optimum use of existing land and human resources. This vision will guide future decisions regarding development, infrastructure and environmental stewardship at the University of Florida. It will also serve as the foundation of the Comprehensive Master Plan update for 2005-2025.

The first session of workshops was held on March 5th, 6th and 7th at Emerson Alumni Hall, Harn Museum and Reitz Union. Sixty people attended the workshops to provide input into the vision for the future of UF’s campus. Attendees discussed strengths and weaknesses of the campus environment as well as their ideas for improving and preserving certain features. They considered a variety of creative approaches for directing the university’s future growth, and participated in a mapping exercise to explore a variety of ways that future growth might fit into the existing campus. The audience was introduced to the current 2000-2010 Comprehensive Master Plan, and explored alternative approaches to campus design. These approaches included historic trends, current plans, future possibilities, and classroom studio investigations conducted by student groups. Preliminary results from Session One workshops will be presented during the Session Two workshops for further discussion. For additional information and to follow this process please visit

Registration is not required, but to help us better prepare for the workshops please RSVP to and indicate which workshops you plan to attend. Questions may be directed to Linda Dixon through this email address or by calling 392-8799.

UV40 Campus Vision – Session Two
March 19: Emerson Hall Teaching Classroom, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
March 20: Medical Science Building Auditorium, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
March 21: Reitz Union, Room 235, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
9:00 Registration and “Open House”
9:30 Welcome and Overview of Session One
9:45 Review and Discuss Draft Goals and Vision Statement
10:15 Presentation of Draft Recommendations
10:45 Break and “Open House”
11:15 Review and Discuss Draft Recommendations
11:45 Wrap Up and Discuss Next Steps
12:00 Adjourn
March 20: Doyle Connor Building, 1911 SW 34 Street, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
6:30 Welcome and Overview of Session One
7:00 Open House
8:30 Adjourn


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