Reimbursement for Foreign Travel Expenses
John P. Kruczek, University Controller
State of Florida Comptroller’s Memorandum (CM) No. 05 (2002-03) replaces CM No. 07 (1991-92) and provides new guidelines for reimbursement of foreign travel expenses. The following is a brief summary of CM No. 05 which can be found at:
State employees who perform travel in foreign areas may choose to claim the standard State of Florida allowances found in Section 112.061(6)(a), Florida Statutes, or may claim per diem for lodging and meals based on the federal per diem rates found at the Travel Website: All pertinent information may be accessed through our website.
When travelers elect federal rates for lodging and meals, incidental expenses must be claimed and reimbursed in accordance with Section 112.061(8), Florida Statutes, and Rule 3A-42.010, Florida Administrative Code. In addition, the allowance for incidental expenses must be deducted from the total allowable amount shown in the “M & IE Rate” (Meals & Incidental Expenses Rate) column found on the government website in Appendix B at:
If you have any questions, please call Carlos Cordero or Brett Wallen at 392-1245 in the University Travel Department.
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