Purchasing Memorandum No. 03-04: New Year Blankets
Emily J. Hamby C.P.M., Director
On June 16, Blanket requisitions that were entered on the electronic requisition system during FY 2002-2003, using state, auxiliary, or local funds, will appear on the level 1 browse screen in the department which initiated the requisition and highlighted as new requisitions. The department may change any field except the requisition number but must change the dates. Do not forward to Purchasing before June 27. You may delete any requisition not needed in the new fiscal year. Please review for actual needs, taking into consideration the use of the procurement card. Any requisitions originally submitted as a paper requisition or on contract and grant funds will not appear.
Any paper requisitions (PUR 300) to be encumbered on new year money must have a notation of FY 2003-2004 across the top.
Helpful Hints
* Assess annual needs and encumber full amount if budget allows. Do not open a blanket for less than $200.
* Blankets issued after July 7 will begin the day the purchase order is issued.
* Purchasing may question the need for a blanket for contracts where the purchasing card is accepted. We encourage you to use the p-card whenever possible.
* Purchasing cards may be used in lieu of blankets for routine purchases. Do not open blankets for vendors from whom you normally purchase with the p-card.
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