University Operators New Operating Hours

Published: May 6th, 2003

Category: Memos

John Madey, Associate Director

The University Operators provide coverage of the university’s main number (392.3261) and monitor emergency elevator and sewage lift station alarms. In the past, the UF telephone operator service provided assistance 24 hour / seven days a week. To improve the efficiency of the operation, the schedule has changed effective May 2, 2003. The hours of operation are now 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. / seven days a week.

Between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., callers to the main campus switchboard (392.3261 or dial “0” from on campus) will be informed to call “911” if it is an emergency or to call back during operating hours if it is not an emergency. In addition, all elevator emergency calls and lift station alarms will automatically be handled by the University Police Department.

The Physical Plant Division’s Work Management Center (WMC) will continue to handle all emergency maintenance work requests. The WMC may be contacted at 392.1121.

During any disaster situations, such as hurricane alerts, the UF telephone operation will be manned 24/7. If you have any questions regarding the new schedule of operations for the University Operators, please contact John Madey at or call 392.1146.

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