Introducing the Bridges Advisory: Weekly Emails to All UF Employees

Published: April 15th, 2004

Category: Memos

Fred H. Cantrell, Associate Vice President and Project Director

As the University moves closer to the implementation of the myUFL systems, including PeopleSoft—UF’s new Web-based financial, human resources, and payroll systems—Finance and Administration and the UF Bridges team need to communicate critical information to campus about significant events, important deadlines, training and support opportunities, changes to policies and forms, and more. Every employee will be impacted by this transition to some degree.

To keep you and your staff informed and make sure campus is well prepared on July 1, a Bridges Advisory will be sent by email to all employees every week. UF Bridges will send the email to a network of college or administrative unit contacts and they will in turn distribute it to their faculty and staff via college or department listservs, Exchange server emails, etc. The Bridges Advisory will continue to be sent each week through the July 1 go-live and for as long as is required after that time.

Each Bridges Advisory will be numbered and maintained in an archive on the UF Bridges Web site for later reference. Every edition will provide information about where to go for additional details or who to contact should you or your staff have questions about the topics addressed.

It is imperative that you read each Bridges Advisory email and support its dissemination to employees in your area. If your entire college or area does not receive the first issue, please contact Diane Craig at If individuals in your area do not receive the Bridges Advisory, they should first contact whoever maintains their local email listserv. We expect that fine-tuning of the process will be needed after the initial issue.

The University of Florida is committed to a smooth transition. We believe that the creation of the Bridges Advisory will help in providing you with the information you need to prepare for the implementation of the myUFL systems.

Remember to check your email and look for Bridges Advisory #1!

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