Retirement of Ken Scott, Director of University Press of Florida
David R. Colburn, Provost
Ken Scott has announced that he will retire at the end of this year as Director of the University Press of Florida after ten remarkable years. Since joining the press in 1994, Ken has increased the Press’s new title output by 64%. The press now publishes approximately 90 books per year and is the third largest press in the South. Along with this new title production, Ken has increased sales by 100 percent, and the Press will bring in over $3M for the current year. During his tenure, the press published 807 new titles that received 101 awards. Reviews of press books increased by 76% and book exhibits increased by 62%.
The press has increased both the quantity and the quality of its titles by focusing on successful areas of long-term publication such as Latin American studies, Middle East studies, and literature, while expanding in areas such as American history, archaeology, and natural history. The press has also established itself as an important source for good books of general interest to residents and visitors to the Sunshine State.
His contribution to this University and to the other State Universities in Florida has been quite extraordinary, and we have been fortunate to have him as director. Most presses in the nation are struggling to survive, but UP of Florida under Ken Scott’s leadership has become one of the most respected university presses in the nation and one of the most financially stable.
I will miss Ken’s many professional skills, but I will also greatly miss his grace under pressure and his generous character. Please join me in thanking Ken for his remarkable leadership and his important contribution to our academic reputation.
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