Year-End Closing for Purchasing and Disbursement Services for Fiscal Year 04-05

Published: May 9th, 2005

Category: Memos

Michael V. McKee, University Controller

The first year end process in PeopleSoft is approaching and it is time to begin planning for June 30, 2005.

Budgets will be different than in past years. The classification of “Certified Forward” budgets will be eliminated. Outstanding encumbrances (PO) on E&G funds that need to move forward to next fiscal year will be classified with a Budget Reference of “Carry Forward” and there will be no time constraints on the expending of these funds unless established by the College or Department.

Departments are encouraged to begin reviewing all outstanding POs. Remember, for all recurring charge POs to internal vendors, such as, PPD, ACS, Postage or CNS, you will need to estimate your June bill and carry forward this amount. Also, prior month’s bills may not yet be applied against the PO due to internal vendors still attempting to bring their billing up to a current status. If you are unsure of the current status of your PO, please contact the specific vendor in question. Any PO not currently needed should be canceled. This must be performed in the following manner:

PO not previously vouchered against – Complete a change notice to cancel the PO and forward to Purchasing.

PO that has been vouchered against – Finalize the PO on the last voucher. Navigate to: Accounts Payable>Review>Interfaces>Purchase Order Inquiry. Key in your Purchasing Business Unit and select the PO. This will list all vouchers applied against the PO. Note the latest voucher number. Retrieve this voucher in Accounts Payable and finalize the PO by clicking on the “Finalize” icon in the top right corner. You will need to budget check by clicking the budget check icon to release the funds.

Outstanding Encumbrance Report

An outstanding encumbrance report for POs and Travel will be distributed to the college level contact May 16th (instructions for the report will be attached.) The following tasks will need to be completed by each department for all outstanding POs and Travel Authorizations (TA):

E&G Funds

The following FY05 encumbrances are authorized to be carried forward.
• Established POs to outside vendors for the purchase of goods
• An estimated amount to allow for the payment of June services for service POs
• Travel that is encumbered, completed, but not paid in FY05

The following processes should be followed:
1. Identify PO’s and TA’s that will be needed next fiscal year as carry forward.
2. POs no longer needed – Close or finalize per the above instructions.
3. Travel Authorizations no longer needed – Cancel in the Travel and Expense Module.

The budget balance equal to the total of POs/TAs identified as carry forward will be moved to the FY06 CYFWD budget. An upload will be performed by Purchasing and Disbursement Services to establish the carry forward PO in FY06 against this budget. The PO number in FY06 will change from the existing FY05 number. Purchasing and Disbursement Services will re-establish the TAs marked as carry forward in FY06. The TA number will remain the same as the FY05 number.

All POs/TAs on E&G funds not paid or marked as carry forward will be canceled/finalized by Purchasing and Disbursement Services beginning Friday, June 17th.

Note: A PO that has had the entire amount vouchered for payment (open amount of $0.00) and has not been finalized will need to be finalized to close the PO.

C&G and Auxiliary Funds

Purchase Orders – The cumulative budget feature in PeopleSoft will allow for POs to remain open across fiscal years. Although all C&G and Auxiliary POs will remain open, departments should use this opportunity to cleanup any POs no longer needed. Close or finalize POs per the instructions above.

Travel Authorizations – Cancel all TAs not needed and identify any that will need to be carried forward to FY06 CRRNT budget. Purchasing and Disbursement Services will re-establish the TA against this budget. The TA number in FY06 will remain the same as the existing FY05 number.

The completed reports must be returned to Purchasing and Disbursement Services no later than June 1, 2005. Paper reports should be sent to 114 Elmore Hall, Post Office Box 115350. IFAS departments should send their reports to Dottie Haskew, 2022 McCarty, Post Office Box 110280.

The fiscal year-end schedule and information for Purchasing and Disbursement Services can be found at the following website:

Purchasing and Disbursement Services
Year-End Information and Schedule

Orders above $50,000 that require competitive bidding should be submitted by May 10th or as soon as possible afterwards to ensure that FY05 funds are encumbered. A sealed bid usually requires 30-45 days to specify, advertise, open, evaluate, award and post, before a purchase order can be issued.

All requisitions should be input into PeopleSoft by Wednesday, June 1st to ensure POs are encumbered against FY05 funds. Any requisition input after 6/1/05 up until Friday, 6/10/05 must be:
• Vouchered against by the vouchering deadline of 6/17/05, or
• The PO must be marked as carry forward in the justification summary detail.

After 6/10/05, the PeopleSoft ePro module will be set to default to FY06 dates. Departments may begin to input FY06 requisitions but these will need to be “Saved for Later” in Peoplesoft. Departments will be notified when FY06 budget is available and FY06 requisitions may then be submitted.

If an emergency requisition is needed after 6/10/05 for FY05, contact Purchasing at 2-1331.

Due to timing issues with vendors submitting purchasing card transactions to their bank, there is no way to determine the exact date a transaction will be sent to UF by the bank and loaded into PeopleSoft. The last daily load for FY05 of PCard transactions from the bank into PeopleSoft will include all transactions received from the bank through Friday, 6/24/05. These transactions will need to be approved in the PeopleSoft PCard module by Tuesday, 6/28/05. You may continue to use your UF purchasing card and approve charges through the end of the fiscal year, with the following restrictions in mind:
• All transactions received through 6/24/05 but not approved by 6/28/05 will be applied against FY06 funds.
• All transactions received from the bank after 6/24/05 will be applied against FY06 funds.


All POs/TAs on E&G funds not paid or marked as carry forward will be canceled/finalized by Purchasing and Disbursement Services beginning Friday, June 17th.

The following deadlines have been established to assist you in the year-end process.

Wednesday, June 1st

Requisitions intended to be encumbered against FY05 funds should be input into PeopleSoft.

Deadline for returning outstanding PO reports for processing to Purchasing and Disbursement Services for E&G funds.

Deadline for returning outstanding TA reports for processing to Purchasing and Disbursement Services for all funds.

Friday, June 10th

Final day to input a requisition into PeopleSoft to pay against FY05 funds or mark as carry forward.

Deadline for submitting ALL Change Orders on outstanding encumbrances.

Friday, June 17th

Last day to input a voucher into PeopleSoft to ensure payment from FY05 funds.

Revenue Refund requests should be input into PeopleSoft to ensure posting against FY05 funds.

Input will be allowed in the PeopleSoft Accounts Payable module after 6/17 but only against FY06 funds. Departments will need to change the accounting and budget date to 7/1/2005. Any vouchers input for FY05 will be deleted by Purchasing and Disbursement Services.

Friday, June 24th

Last upload of PCard transactions into PeopleSoft for FY05.

Cash Expense Refunds should be remitted to the Cashier, S-113 Criser Hall. E&G refunds against current year expenditures will be lost by the department if not input into PeopleSoft by fiscal year end.

Monday, June 27th

Last day to input a travel expense report into PeopleSoft to ensure payment from FY05 funds.

Tuesday, June 28th

Last day to approve PCard transactions to ensure payment against FY05 funds.

Thursday, June 30th

All vouchers input into PeopleSoft must be cleared of all matching exceptions and budget errors. Purchasing and Disbursement Services will be working these errors and contacting departments for assistance.

This fiscal year-end schedule and information for Purchasing and Disbursement Services can also be found at the following website:

If you have any questions concerning these procedures and cutoff dates, please call:

Purchasing                 Lisa Deal          2-1331
Travel                       Brett Wallen      2-1245
Accounts Payable        Randy Staples   2-1241
IFAS                         Dottie Haskew   2-1831
Cash Expense Refunds  David Segura    2-0185
Revenue Refunds         Diane Hurtak     2-0181

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