C-SAFE: Cyber-Security Awareness for Everyone
Mark Hoit, Interim Associate Provost for IT
Kathy Bergsma, UF Information Security Manager
On March, 1 the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and http://SecureFlorida.org are brining a free, one-day seminar on safe computing practices to the University of Florida Reitz Union Auditorium in Gainesville. C-SAFE: Cyber-Security Awareness for Everyone is hosted by the UF IT Security Team as part of their goal to raise security awareness at UF and in the Gainesville community.
This awarding-winning seminar is geared toward educating the every-day computer user on Internet security and to teach ways for users to protect their identity, finances and other sensitive data. Topics include basic cyber risks such as viruses, worms and spyware; how to handle e-mail safely such as spam, fraud and hoaxes; important online personal security such as identity theft, cyber-stalking, chatting, and passwords; and additional security about networks and firewalls.
For those unable to attend the event, there will be a live stream during the event and a recorded link posted on the security website at: http://infosec.ufl.edu/events/csafe/ Check this page periodically for updates.
This is a free seminar but pre-registration is required
You can find out more information about the seminar and register to reserve a seat at www.secureflorida.org
Please share with faculty, staff and students.
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