Graduate Assistants 2006-2007 Salary Increase

Published: August 21st, 2006

Category: Memos

Kyle Cavanaugh, Vice President of Human Resource Services

Graduate Assistants United (GAU) and UF have successfully concluded negotiations, and the following benefits have been agreed to by both sides. This agreement is subject to ratification by both the GAU membership and the University Board of Trustees at its September meeting.

Salary increases for continuing Graduate Assistants will be a 3% to their September 30, 2006, base salary effective October 1, 2006. To be eligible, a Graduate Assistant must have been employed at least one semester during the 2005-2006 academic year for at least .25 FTE and be employed at least one semester in the 2006-2007 academic year for at least .25 FTE.

The new minimum salary effective 8/16/06 is $8,000 at .50 FTE for a 9-month appointment and $10,707.66 at .50 FTE for a 12-month appointment.

Graduate Assistants hired August 16, 2006, or after must receive the new minimum salary. Continuing Graduate Assistants who are not at the new minimum salary will have their salaries adjusted by the Academic Personnel Office, which will work with each department to ensure that the October 1 raise is accurate.

The minimum salaries for .25 to 1.00 FTE (for both 9- and 12-month appointments) can be found on the Human Resources Services’ website at:

If you have any questions, please contact the Academic Personnel Office at 392-1251

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