HPC computing poster to raise awareness of UF center

Published: November 28th, 2007

Category: Memos

Marc Hoit, Interim CIO

Since 2003 the University of Florida has been engaged in a concerted effort to rationalize and optimize the High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure on campus.

High Performance Computing plays an ever increasing role in all aspects of science and engineering and has entered areas of science and scholarship that traditionally have not been considered for HPC use. Now social sciences, research in language, music, and graphic arts are increasingly using HPC resources and methods.

The UF HPC Center offers significant computing capacity to a very wide range of faculty and their graduate students and research associates. The shared facility is more efficient in making the HPC resources available and is more visible to the academic community than smaller isolated resources.

To make sure that every faculty member can find the resources already available, we have designed a poster highlighting information about the HPC Center.

We will soon send one or more such posters to your College, Department or Institute main office. Please find a prominently visible, high traffic place to display it. We can provide more posters if you have multiple locations.

Thank you for helping to share information about resources available to faculty and staff to support their research and teaching.


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