Administrative Appointments
Dr. Patricia Telles-Irvin, Vice President for Student Affairs
It is with pleasure that I announce two administrative appointments in the Division of Student Affairs. Dr. Paige Crandall has been named Interim Dean of Students and Dr. Mary Kay Schneider Carodine has been named Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs.
Dr. Paige Crandall, formerly the Associate Dean of Students, Agreed to assume the Interim Dean of Students’ role during this academic year. She has been in the field of Student Affairs for over 21 years and for 14 years in various administrative capacities at Florida State University, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and the University of Pittsburgh before coming to the University of Florida in 2005. She has shown a commitment to serving and educating students, an appreciation for collaborating with Academic Affairs, sensitivity to managing student crises, and leadership in enhancing programs and services for students. She has taught First Year Florida and is currently an instructor in the Educational Administration and Policy department. She received her masters in Student Personnel Services in Higher Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1987 and her doctorate in Higher Education Administration from Florida State University in 2004. In 1985 she received her B.A. in Education from Westminster College.
Dr. Crandall’s responsibilities will include the following areas: New Student Programs, which is composed of First Year Florida, the Common Reader Program for first year students, and Preview; Disabilities Services; Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution; Student Crisis Response efforts, the Florida Opportunity Scholars program and withdrawals. She will chair the Crisis Response Team and will serve on the Enrollment Management Committee, the Student Health Insurance Committee and the Preview Steering Committee.
Dr. Mary Kay Schneider Carodine, formerly the Senior Associate Dean of Students will assume new division wide responsibilities and her position has been reclassified as Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs. Her career has included various roles in Student Affairs at Georgetown University, the University of Maryland, and Bowling Green State University. She worked at the University of Florida the first time during 1991-1995 in the Reitz Union in Student Activities and returned in 2002 as an Associate Dean of Students. Dr. Mary Kay Schneider Carodine has consistently demonstrated a commitment to creating an inclusive environment for all students, a vision for leadership and service and was instrumental during the strategic planning process for the division. She received her two masters in College Student Personnel and Guidance and Counseling from Bowling Green State University in 1991 and her doctorate in College Student Personnel in 2002 from the University of Maryland. She attained a B.S. In Industrial Engineering and a B.A. in General Arts and Science in 1989 from Pennsylvania State University.
Her duties will involve the supervision of the Center for Leadership and Service; Multicultural and Diversity Affairs; which includes the Institute of Black Culture, Institute of Hispanic-Latino Culture (La Casita), LGBT Affairs, Asian Pacific American Affairs; Off Campus Life; and Student Legal Services. She will serve on the Disaster Plan Committee, the Emergency Alert Notification System Team, and Student Crisis Intervention and will lead our divisional Crisis Management. She will also assist in moving the division’s global initiatives forward by serving as chair of the Global Initiatives Task Force.
Both of these appointments will be effective starting Monday, September 8, 2008.
Please join me in thanking them for assuming these responsibilities.
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