IV: Academic Administrators Seminar Series – Department Chairs and Directors – Managing Searches, Waivers and Sexual Harassment Issues

Published: January 27th, 2010

Category: Memos

Dr. Kathleen Ann Long, Associate Provost

Registration is now open for the fourth session of the 2009-2010 Academic Administrators Seminar Series which takes place on February 10, 2010, from 8:30am-11:00am in Emerson Alumni Hall, Presidents Room B. The series is designed to bring together department chairs, directors, associate deans and deans in discussions about academic administrative management at UF.

This session focuses on managing the faculty search process, search waiver requests and sexual harassment issues. Please see the agenda below for more details.

Registration information is available now at the Faculty Development Web site:

Please direct questions, comments and suggestions for future seminars to Ms. Ellen Sattler at 392-6004 (esattler@aa.ufl.edu).


  • “Faculty Search and Waivers Process and Procedures”
    Ms. Paula Fussell, Director of Human Resources and Dr. Kathleen Long, Associate Provost
  • “Sexual Harassment: Administrator Responsibilities”
    Dr. Jaquie Resnick, Senior Advisor to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Former Director of the Counseling Center
  • Mr. Larry Ellis, Director of Administration and Equal Employment Opportunity Human Resource Services, will address relevant faculty and staff issues.

Note: It is recommended that you review the University of Florida’s Sexual Harassment Policy Statement at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/eeo/sexharassment.htm and the online Sexual Harassment Prevention Training at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/eeo/training.htm before this session.

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