Salary Increase Plan for Fiscal Year 2010-11
Paula Varnes Fussell, Vice President for Human Resource Services
I am pleased to provide the following guidelines for the 2010-11 salary increase plan for faculty, staff, and graduate assistants at the University of Florida.
Merit Increases for Faculty
A 4 percent merit increase pool has been created for salaried faculty. Individual merit increases should be based upon approved departmental merit criteria recommended by the chair, approved by the Dean, and supported by completed performance evaluations. Any merit increases awarded will be added to the base salary and will be effective July 1 for 12-month faculty, August 12 for 10-month faculty, and August 16 for 9-month faculty.
For faculty in the Health Science Center colleges who derive some or all of their salary from clinically-funded sources, a merit raise pool allocation will be created.
To be considered for the merit increase, 12-month faculty must have a hire date of June 30, 2010, or earlier, 9-month faculty must have a hire date of May 15, 2010, or earlier and 10-month faculty must have a hire date of June 9, 2010, or earlier. Faculty must also have a current satisfactory performance evaluation.
Part-time salaried faculty who were hired on or before the eligibility dates in the above paragraphs and meet performance criteria may be considered for a merit increase.
Faculty members who have received notification of non-renewal or layoff are not eligible for a merit increase.
Faculty members in the collective bargaining unit will be governed by the terms of the agreement with the union. Negotiations are currently underway with the faculty union related to 2010-11 salary increases. Another communication will be sent once agreement has been reached with the union.
Merit Increases for Staff (TEAMS and USPS)
A 3 percent merit increase pool has been created for all eligible staff.
Any merit increase awarded to staff members will be added to the base salary and will be effective July 1 for 12-month staff, August 12 for 10-month staff, and August 16 for 9-month staff.
To be considered for the merit increase; 12-month staff must have a hire date of June 30, 2010, or earlier; 9-month staff must have a hire date of May 15, 2010, or earlier; and 10-month staff must have a hire date of June 9, 2010, or earlier. Individual merit increases should be supported by completed performance evaluations. Employees must have a current performance rating of minimally achieves or better to be considered. In the absence of a current performance evaluation, the employee will be considered to be performing at a satisfactory level.
Part-time staff employees who were hired on or before the eligibility dates in the above paragraphs and meet performance criteria may be considered for a merit increase.
Employees who have received notification of non-renewal or layoff are not eligible for a merit increase.
Staff in collective bargaining units will be governed by the terms of their respective contracts. Negotiations are currently underway with each union regarding 2010-11 salary increases. Another communication will be sent once agreement has been reached with each union.
Increase to Minimum Wage for Non-exempt TEAMS and USPS
Effective July 1, 2010, the minimum wage for non-exempt TEAMS and USPS employees will increase from $9.02 to $9.75. An automated process has been created for loading these increases. Departments will be able to review these increases in Enterprise Reporting in myUFL after July 6. The navigation is ERP Reporting>Access Reporting>Human Resources Information>Pay Information>Current Pay Cycle>Raise Reports>Raise Detail Report.
Eligible bargaining unit members may only receive an increase subject to union negotiations.
TEAMS and USPS staff pay range minimums lower than $9.75 will be adjusted effective July 1, 2010.
Salary Increases for Graduate Assistants
An across-the-board increase of 3 percent will be added to the base salary for all current graduate assistants. The effective date of these increases is as follows:
July 1 for 12-month graduate assistants (hired prior to June 30)
August 16 for 9-month graduate assistants (hired prior to May 15)
An automated process has been developed for loading the 3 percent increases for graduate assistants. Departments will be able to review these increases in Enterprise Reporting in myUFL after July 6. The navigation is ERP Reporting>Access Reporting>Human Resources Information>Pay Information>Current Pay Cycle>Raise Reports>Raise Detail Report.
For state-funded positions, the 4 percent merit pool for faculty and the 3 percent merit pool for TEAMS and USPS will be allocated based on filled positions only using funding distributions implemented with the Budget Prep System completed by units in June.
Contract, grant, and auxiliary units are expected to fund all salary increases from existing sources.
The increase in the minimum for TEAMS and USPS positions to $9.75 will be funded from existing departmental resources but state-funded lines will receive a 3 percent allocation on the increase to the minimums.
Processing of Salary Increases for Faculty and Staff
An automated process has been developed for loading the merit increases for faculty and staff. Departments will be provided an online list of current faculty and staff in a raise file and will enter the merit increases to be allocated.
An instructional guide with directions on how to enter and review the salary increases may be found at
Salary Processing Deadlines for Merit Increases
Thursday, July 1 – TEAMS and USPS minimums increased from $9.02 to $9.75
Tuesday, July 6 – Staff minimum and graduate assistant increases available for review in myUFL
Monday, July 19 – Raise files available to departments for entering faculty and staff merit increases
Friday, July 23 – Budget allocation for state-funded faculty and staff positions will be provided to colleges and vice presidential areas
Wednesday, August 11, 6:00 pm – Raise files closed to departments
Thursday and Friday, August 12-13 – Core offices complete review of files
Sunday, August 15 – Faculty and staff increases loaded into myUFL system
Monday, August 16 – Faculty and staff increases available for review in myUFL
Friday, August 27 – First paycheck with merit salary increases (retroactive to July 1 for 12-month employees)
Departments with questions regarding the salary increases may contact the appropriate core office. Please contact Classification and Compensation at (352) 392-2477 or with questions about TEAMS and USPS employees. Please contact Academic Personnel at (352) 392-2477 or with questions about faculty salary increases.
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