Distance Learning Fees / Dates and Deadlines
W. Andrew McCollough, Associate Provost
Applications to establish a Distance Learning Fee for the summer and fall 2012 terms are now being accepted through PeopleSoft. All departmental applications should be submitted no later than Friday January 27, 2012 and Dean’s approval is required by Wednesday February 8, 2012.
Detailed information on course eligibility and the process for applying for a distance learning fee is available at the following website:
All previously approved fees should be reviewed to determine if you are charging the appropriate fee to cover the resources needed. Departmental staff can begin affiliation of approved distance learning fees with individual course sections starting Thursday January 26th, 2012 for summer 2012 term and Thursday February 16th, 2012 for fall 2012 term. All sections must be affiliated for both terms no later than April 20, 2012.
Detailed information for implementation and managing approved distance learning fees is available at the following website:
If you have new personnel assigned to this task, security roles will need to be requested from your Department Security Administrator (DSA).
If you have any questions or require additional information please contact Chris Newsom at 294-0851 or cnewsom@dce.ufl.edu.
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