Updated University-Wide Policy on Identity Management

Published: May 1st, 2012

Category: Memos

Elias G. Eldayrie, Vice President & CIO

Updated University-Wide Policy on Identity Management

A reliable method of identifying people requesting access to UF’s electronic data is required to ensure the security of the university’s data and computing resources. Also, to meet the InCommon Federation’s1 compliance requirements, the method for identifying users and storing electronic data information access underwent extensive review. The updated Identity Management Policy is now available online:


The process of identifying who is accessing UF’s electronic data requires collecting and maintaining identifying information known as ‘attributes’. Verifying these attributes helps ensure that persons accessing university data are authorized to do so.  Campus directory coordinators should review the updated policy and adhere to all processes when adding people to UF’s identity system.

In addition to the updated policy, a profiles standard and service provider standard are also available.  Any questions about the Identity Management program should be emailed to UFIT’s Identity Management staff.

1The InCommon Federation is a consortium of research and higher education organizations that use a common set of secure, privacy-preserving standards.

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