Proposed 2016-2017 Fringe Benefit Pool Rates

Published: May 11th, 2016

Category: Memos

Alan M. West, Assistant Vice President and University Controller

The University has calculated the new proposed pooled fringe rates for fiscal year 2016-17 and has submitted them to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Although we do not expect any objections, the proposed rates are subject to DHHS approval and should be used with that understanding in your planning for fiscal year 2016-17. The rates, when approved, will be effective July 1, 2016.

The employee categories and corresponding proposed benefit rates are as follows:

Employee Categories FY2017 FY2016 Change
Faculty (9-,10-, and 12-month) 26.9% 25.7% 1.2%
COM Clinical Faculty 16.4% 17.5% -1.1%
Exempt TEAMS/USPS 36.9% 33.3% 3.6%
Non-Exempt TEAMS/USPS 44.8% 42.9% 1.9%
Housestaff/Clinical Post Docs (CPFI) 22.1% 28.1% -6.0%
Graduate Assistants/Reg Post Docs (FAPD) 20.4% 14.9% 5.5%
Student OPS/Federal Work Study 2.5% 2.6% -0.1%
Other OPS/Temporary Faculty 7.6% 5.4% 2.2%

The pooled rates include the following employer costs of taxes and benefits:
FICA OASDI (Social Security)
FICA Medicare
Health Insurance (including graduate assistant and postdoctoral associates health insurance)
Retirement (employer contributions)
Life Insurance
Clinical Disability Insurance
Worker’s Compensation
Unemployment Compensation
Vacation Leave Cash Outs
Sick Leave Pool Payments
Paid Parental Leave Payments

Please contact the following individuals if you have any questions:
Brian Kuhl, or by phone 352-294-7266
Greg Dubois, or by phone 352-392-2402

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