Final Exams and Reading Days
Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
This is a reminder that no examinations or term papers should be assigned during the upcoming reading days (December 8-9, 2016). No classes or exams should be held on reading days. Students are encouraged to use these days for study and review.
Consonant with university policies, comprehensive final examinations are not to be changed from their scheduled dates and times and may not be given except on the scheduled final exam days. This rule remains in place even if an exam date change is supported by the students. Please be mindful that our students have several examinations and changing your examination can affect their entire schedule. Any request to change the final exam schedule must be made to the University Curriculum Committee.
Finally, please keep in mind that your students are under considerable stress during this period and may need your assistance or guidance. If a student seems to be in distress, please contact U Matter We Care at or 352-294-CARE. Additional resources are available at
Thank you for your attention to these matters and your support of our students.
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