Distinguished Alumni Professor (DAP) Award
Joseph Glover, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Timothy L. Walsh, Executive Director & Assistant Vice President of Alumni Affairs
Every two years the UF Alumni Association (UFAA) selects a faculty member to receive the “Distinguished Alumni Professor” (DAP) Award. The recipient serves as an ambassador of the university’s academic and research achievements to The Gator Nation®. As we continue the preeminence journey, we hope you will assist us by identifying faculty members of the highest caliber to represent the University of Florida.
The recipient of the DAP Award serves on the UFAA Board of Directors for a two-year term and participates in Alumni Association programs (to the degree that his/her schedule permits), including speaking at UFAA signature events and Gator Club® functions. In return, the Alumni Association awards the recipient a $20,000 stipend, to be paid in four installments over the two-year term. Additional funds are provided by the Office of Academic Affairs to be utilized for items such as research and travel support (may not be used for salary augmentation).
The deadline for applications is Friday, January 27, 2017. Completed applications should be submitted to Lindsey Farah, Director of College and Unit Engagement – Alumni Affairs, and include a signed applicant information form, Curriculum Vitae, one-page personal statement of research interest, and a letter of recommendation from the college dean or department chair/director (requires endorsement of nomination by dean). The completed application packet can be downloaded at https://higherlogicdownload.s3.amazonaws.com/UFAA/342da081-b4f0-488d-a6e1-44fb0861cadb/UploadedImages/DAP/DAP%20Application%20Packet%202017.pdf.
We hope you will encourage outstanding professors from your college, school or department to apply for this award. Thank you for your valuable partnership with the UFAA and your dedication to making our university great.
Warm Regards and Go Gators!
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