Preview Staff Applications Now Available
Jeanna Mastrodicasa, Assistant Dean
Preview, the University of Florida’s freshman orientation program, has its applications for the undergraduate Preview 2000 staff now available. A component of the Dean of Students Office, Preview helps more than 6,000 freshmen and their families ease the transition to college during the summer. Your assistance in recruiting undergraduate students to apply for this program is greatly appreciated.
Applications are due Friday, October 15, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. Applications can be picked up at the following locations:
Dean of Students Office, 202 Peabody Hall Reitz Union, 1st floor and 3rd floor Information Desks Academic Advising Center, front desk
Optional information sessions will be held on the following dates:
Thursday, September 30 at 7 p.m. in Reitz Union Room 278 Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 9 p.m. in Reitz Union Room 347
The Preview staff positions are paid, and will also provide housing, meals, and clothing for the summer. Students must be available from May 7-July 21, 2000. The Preview staff members will have to enroll in a 2 credit course offered on Thursdays (8th and 9th period) in Spring 2000 in order to serve during the summer.
More details about the interview process, etc. can be found on the application or at one of the information sessions. If you still have questions, contact the Dean of Students Office. Being part of the Preview staff is a wonderful and fun opportunity for students!
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