Gator One Card Conversion Deadline
Gerald Schaffer, Vice President for Administrative Affairs
The University of Florida originally developed and implemented an all-in-one card in 1990. In 1994, we began conversion to the Gator One Card which supports more applications than the old all-in-one card. From debit card capabilities both on and off campus to vending machine purchases at selected campus locations, the new Gator One Card represents a significant advance in convenience and security for students, faculty, and staff. As previously announced, after December 31, 1995, the new card will be required for applications on campus, including access to student recreation facilities and intramural sports.
If you have not yet done so, please notify your employees to schedule appointments with I.D. Card Services to have their pictures taken as soon as possible. Faculty and staff will not be charged for a new ID card when they return the old one. ID card Services will bill pre-determined accounts for the cost of these employee ID cards.
Contact the I.D. Card Services office at 392-8343 to make appointments or for any questions you may have regarding the new Gator One Card and the recarding program.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
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