Nominations for Distinguished Alumni Professor Award
David R. Colburn, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
The Alumni Association is beginning the selection process for the twelfth Distinguished Alumni Professor. As part of this process I am seeking your assistance in providing nominations from your college.
The selection criteria for the Distinguished Alumni Professor are:
- The individual has gained a reputation among students and alumni for being a superior and highly influential teacher;
- The individual has gained a reputation for having a very positive impact on students;
- The individual’s service to the University, state and nation has resulted in numerous beneficial contributions and has brought distinction to the University;
- The individual is a member of the current teaching faculty with at least 10 years of service to the University of Florida.
I urge you to submit nominations for this very prestigious award. Your nominations along with a curriculum vita and/or teaching portfolio should be forwarded to Wayne McDaniel at the Alumni Association, 2012 W University Ave., as soon as possible and no later than February 28. In addition, the Committee would like to include all Teacher of the Year recipients as nominations. Therefore, please forward those names and curriculum vita to Mr. McDaniel.
If you have any questions regarding this program, please do not hesitate to contact Wayne McDaniel at 392-1905 or the Committee Chair, Sam Proctor, at 392-7168.
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