Nominations for the Information Technology Advisory Council
David R. Colburn, Provost
As Vice Provost for Information Technology, Chuck Frazier has implemented the initial recommendations of the IT Review Committee. The first two steps recommended in that report called for the formation of a transition committee and the creation of a multi-layered, university-wide advisory structure. Chuck has already called the IT Review Committee back to serve as the transition team, and a standing committee on high-performance computing has been formed as well.
Now it is time to turn to the basic advisory committee structure.
At the top of the advisory structure recommended by the Review Committee is a standing committee called the Information Technology Advisory Council (ITAC). The IT Review Committee’s recommendation is that I appoint the members of the ITAC. I would like your input in doing so. Please submit nominations to me as soon as it is convenient. Members of this group should be individuals with the ability to understand current and emerging technologies, to stay informed about the broad spectrum of IT needs, interests, and opportunities, and to contribute to the development of an IT strategic plan. The ITAC will report directly to Vice Provost Frazier.
Please send me at least one nomination from your unit, and copy Dane Wielins at as well. To help me in deciding membership for the ITAC, please also include a brief paragraph describing the nominee(s). There will be three additional standing committees: 1) Academic Technology [ITAC- AT] 2) data infrastructure and administrative computing [ITAC- DI&ADM] and 3) Network Infrastructure [ITAC-NI]. The ITAC and Vice Provost Frazier will make appointments to these subcommittees, but I hope you will feel free to send nominations for them as well. Please send these nominations directly to Chuck at, with a copy to Dane Wielins. Thank you in advance for your support in this very important endeavor.
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