College/Departmental Scholarship Award Notification

Published: July 8th, 1996

Category: Memos

Karen L. Fooks, Director

Student Financial Affairs would like to remind departments of the need to notify our office, as soon as possible, of students receiving college-awarded scholarships, grants, fellowships, stipends, waivers, assistantships, loans, or funds of any type for the upcoming academic year. Federal and state regulations governing financial aid require the university to factor in all sources of assistance before awarding financial aid. In the event that aid has already been awarded or disbursed, regulations require an analysis of the student’s aid package to determine if receipt of an additional award places the student in an over-award situation (i.e., total awards are greater than cost-of-attendance minus family contribution). If the student has been over-awarded, a reduction in federal and state aid may be necessary and could lead to a student’s repayment of funds.

We would like to avoid over-award situations. For this reason, we ask students to inform us of all awards given to them which do not appear on an award letter from us. In addition, we are notified of scholarships by University Financial Services and the University of Florida Foundation. We also receive many Scholarship Notification Documents from individual colleges and departments. These all help, but one scholarship not previously reported to us can cause a problem.

Our greatest need is for all colleges and departments to give us complete information (student’s name, Social Security number, award name and amount by term) as early as possible before the academic term begins. The later the notification is received in our office, the greater the likelihood that a problem will be created for the student. This policy is not designed to detract from academic awards given, or earned by individual students, in recognition of their academic accomplishments or to recruit them into programs. It is our effort to comply with federal and state regulations and assist all needy students in the most equitable manner.

Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. We look forward to working with you for the benefit of all students. Please contact our Scholarship Section if there are special circumstances surrounding the award of your scholarships, grants, fellowships or loans which you feel have not been adequately addressed by our office. In addition, if you need a supply of Scholarship Notification Documents, please request them from our Scholarship Section.

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