Davis Productivity Awards program announces a call for entries

Published: August 27th, 2004

Category: Memos

Larry T. Ellis, Director

The Davis Productivity Awards, an annual program honoring Florida state government employees who have significantly increased productivity in delivering state services and products, has announced a call for entries. The deadline for nominations is Friday, October 1, 2004, at 5 p.m.

In addition to honoring “innovation, creativity, and smart work,” the awards program recognizes individuals and work units that have adapted or implemented previous years’ award-winning achievements to create added value. Eligible for nomination are individuals, teams, and work units as well as entire state agencies or their divisions, regions, districts, and institutions.

The program presents cash awards ranging from $300 to $2,500 as well as commemorative plaques, certificates of commendation, and letters of honorable mention. A committee of Florida TaxWatch staff and a panel of judges make award decisions. Particularly welcome in this year’s competition are:

•	Nominations of achievements that can be adapted
	and implemented by other state or local government
	employees, teams, work units, or agencies. 
•	Nominations of clerical and "blue-collar" workers' achievements. 
•	Nominations of top-ranked individuals and work units
	among those performing similar jobs in an agency. 
•	Nominations of achievements specifically and measurably
	related to a Bush/Brogan administration priority. 
•	Nominations relating to implementation of the Service
	First initiative. 
•	Nominations that document a benefit to all or specific
	citizens or to the private sector. 
•	Nominations initiated by external or internal customers
	of individual employees, teams, work units, or agencies.

For more information and to download a nomination form, visit UF’s Davis Productivity Awards web site at http://www.hr.ufl.edu/recognition/davis or contact Training and Development at 392-4626 or training@ufl.edu.

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